Hair loss cause-Infectious Agents


Hair loss is commonly caused by some infectious agents and conditions that are infection-related. But, preventing hair loss is not out of hand, with better hair care; an individual can still walk away from baldness threatened by hair loss. In case you are dealing with severe hair loss and baldness then you will have visit a good hair specialist. There are several centers for hair transplant in Ahmedabad that will provide you with high quality hair treatments. Like other major cities in India, Ahmedabad too is gaining momentum in hair transplant surgery. You can compare the hair transplant prices in Ahmedabad with the help of Clinicspots.

It is important to keep hair tidy, clean and neat; this will help maintain healthy hair. It is worth to note that dirty hair will fall off easily, as the hair gets more dirty, the more it accumulates contaminants on the scalp. These pollutants contain grease, oils and sticky form of filth. These then develop a nesting ground for fungi and bacteria. This finally leads to fungal and bacterial infections on the scalp which damages the hair making it break easily and falls off.

Some of the infections agents include,


Folliculitis is a major cause of hair loss on scalp infections globally. Folliculitis is the inflammation of the follicles. Its appearance is more less the same to that of acne. The hair stays put on early stages of folliculitis and starts falling off the scalp when inflammation progresses. Small bald patches which are noticeable are formed on the scalp when the folliculitis is severe, and the hair keeps falling off if the folliculitis persists. In the last few years, Ahmedabad has seen an increase in cases of folliculitis. This has caused several hair clinics to mushroom in the city.

Non-infectious folliculitis is commonly caused by greases and oils that when applied to the skin they clog up the follicles. Other forms of folliculitis are due to bacterial infections. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of hair follicles infections, also known as ‘Hot tub folliculitis. It is usually caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa which is found in inadequately chlorinated water.

Topical antibiotics are usually used to treat minor cases of folliculitis; such antibiotic includes myristicin and bacitracin. Oral antibiotics are also used for serious cases of infections such as erythromycin.


This is a fungal infection that can be found in any part of the body. It is not associated with worms. Ringworm is also referred to as Tinea Capitis. When ringworm develops on the scalp, it causes patches that lead to hair loss. It starts on the scalp as a small pimple which with time progressively keeps expanding in size and form scaly patches or temporary baldness. The area with the patches is usually red, itchy and inflamed; these areas may at time bubble and ooze. The fungus gets into the follicles that are infected and causes the hair to become brittle hence making them break easily and form a bald scalp.

Tinea Capitis is contagious. It is usually passed from one individual to another through skin to skin contact. Pets such as cats are common carriers of ringworm as well. Equally a person can get ringworm through sharing of towels, combs, and such likes.

Fungus Microsporum gypsum can cause ringworm. This fungus is mostly in soil, and usually, it is transferred to individuals who get in contact with animals also.

Trichophyton violaceum is commonly in the Middle East.

Microsporum audovinii and Trichophyton tonsurans are the most cause of ringworm in Latin American countries and the US.

Trichophyton megninii and trichophyton schoenleinii are most experienced in Africa and southern Europe.

Treatment administered for ringworm depends on the type of ringworm involved. Although will disappear on their own.


Trichomycosis nedularis occurs when hair follicles are infected by a fungus. This is when some hard nodules develop in the hair fiber. Piedra is Spanish meaning stone. These nodules are also as a result of hypea and fruiting bodies of fungus also referred to as ascostrama. In ascostrama is where the fungus is released.

Piedra is in two forms, black and white depending on the color of the nodules on the hair fibers. White piedra is associated with trichosporon beigelii, it is commonly found in Europe and in the south parts of US. Black piedra is caused by fungus piedraia hortae and is usually experienced in tropical countries.

Piedra affects hair on the scalp and genital areas. The fungus weakens the hair cells causing it to break and fall off which may results to patchy and diffuse hair.

Piedra treatment involves shaving hair in the areas that are infected, and use of anti-fungal such as ketoconazole.

Demodex follicolorum

Demodex follicolorum is believed to cause hair loss. When Demodex follicolorum is removed, the hair grows back. Demodex is a creature that lives on skin and looks like a worm. This creature likes to feed on oils and dead skin and hence it’s found on hair. Demodex follicolorum is caused through skin contact with people who are already infected. Demodex follicolorum are benign little creatures. They commonly cause irritation and itchy scalp.

Scalp infections can slow hair growth by damaging the hair cells and follicles. Also, the fungus is in a position to make the hair weak and vulnerable. Broken and damaged hair falls off quickly. Although fungus doesn’t cause significant pain, they put an individual in a state of discomfort. Do not hesitate to visit a hair specialist in case you notice any of the above problems. There are several hair clinics in Ahmedabad that will provide you affordable hair treatments.