5 Ways Technology Is Negatively Impacting Our Health

Technology Impacting Health

Although the evolution of technology has no doubt made things more convenient, it hasn’t come without its drawbacks. People have become so dependent on technology that culture is starting to lose things which were one a fundamental part of life.

Many people use a mouse rather than a pen and prefer to type a text rather than picking up the phone. As a result, many people have become so dependent on technology that it’s starting to take its toll on our health for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the most significant ways that technology has begun to impact us negatively.

Lack of Movement

Many people work jobs which require them to sit at a computer all day. As a result, they hardly move and may be prone to physical problems.

People wake up, get in their cars, and walk a few steps to their desks, resulting in some people walking less than 2000 steps in an entire day! Not only does this start to degrade your muscles and encourage fat to be retained, but it can lead to arthritis, and even obesity-related diseases.

Eye Strain

Screens were not made to be stared at for hours on end by the human eye. When you look at a computer, phone, or tablet screen for long periods of time, your eyes will start to feel the effects.

Little children especially are becoming accustomed to screens from a young age, which may eventually impact the quality of their vision.

Make sure to take frequent breaks throughout the day so that your eyes have some time to rest.

Lack of Human Interaction

Because of social media and phone features such as texting, less and fewer people are engaging in real face to face human contact.

It’s in our genetics to interact and be near people that we love. Without it, we start to feel physiological effects which may affect our behavior and happiness.

Attention Span

Technology delivers us the results that we want quickly and automatically. Because of this immediacy, humans have begun to have very little patience.

In this modern age, if we don’t have exactly what we want after a few short clicks and seconds, we become frustrated and move onto the next best thing.

Children especially are looking at images and programs which are so much stimulation for them, that things which were entertaining to kids twenty years ago are hardly appealing anymore.

People are less and less capable of sitting through an entire live performance or book without looking at their smartphone at least a few times.

As a result, more and more people are feeling depressed and dependent on technology in ways which some people may argue is a full-blown addiction.