Restoring Your Eye Functions Through Cornea Specialist Intervention


Having a vision problem can be stressful, considering you need your eyes to see. If you suspect that your eye problem could be due to corneal infection, it would be best to see a Huntingdon Valley cornea specialist for diagnosis and corrective care. Consistent eye appointments with the Suburban Eye Associates team are essential. To qualify for a corneal visit, your doctor may consider the specific circumstances.

How to know if your cornea has a problem

The cornea is a dome-shaped part that covers your eyes. It helps you see images and light precisely. While its size may make it look insignificant, the truth is an infection or damage can negatively affect your vision. Symptoms of corneal issues may include redness in the eyes, pain, excess tears, light sensitivity, or blurry vision.

Your eye doctor may refer you to a cornea specialist for the following reasons:

1. To have a detailed look in your eyes

It is easy to confuse an ophthalmologist and a cornea specialist because they deal with eye problems. In the real sense, a cornea doctor has special tools that help them see deep scarring in the eye. Your cornea doctor can also prescribe and administer medications or treatment options to heal your scarring or injury. When left untreated, corneal conditions can cause permanent damage to your vision and eyes.

2. To teach you how to care for your eyes

Light sensitivity is a symptom of a corneal condition awaiting to happen. If you find yourself twitching more regularly or avoiding spaces with light, it would be best to see a cornea specialist determine if you have it. Besides offering medications, your doctor can also teach you how to care for your eyes to avoid developing any issues in the future.

3. Preventative care

Present-day cornea care is more preventative than restorative. It is the reason eye doctors ask people to go for regular checkups. Sometimes, you may have a cornea condition but not realize it. Some symptoms may come and go on their own, preventing you from seeing your doctor. There is no way of telling you are free from an eye problem or have already developed a cornea condition unless your doctor diagnoses you for it.

What to expect

Your visit will start with knowing who your optometrist is, followed by an examination. Whether your eye condition is acute or severe, you may spend between one and three hours. Remember, most procedures are conducted in individual offices. But if you have a condition that your current doctor cannot handle, they may refer you to another cornea specialist for advanced treatment. Before your visit, ensure you carry a list of your current medications, eyeglasses, referral forms, and contact information of your general eye doctor.

Are you ready for your cornea appointment?

Now that you have known how an injured or infected cornea can affect your vision, ensuring you see the right specialist can help restore your sight and reduce your suffering. A cornea specialist can identify the cause and treat your eye problem. To learn more about cornea conditions, schedule an appointment with your specialist today.