An estimated 34 million people in America live with diabetes. This chronic condition affects how your body utilizes glucose in your blood. Symptoms for diabetes such as blurred vision and extreme hunger may vary depending on your blood sugar level. Below are the different types of diabetes which your doctor at Nguyen Medical Group may help diagnose and offer treatment to minimize the symptoms.
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Types of diabetes
Type 1 diabetes
This type of diabetes occurs when your immune system attacks and destroys cells that produce insulin in the pancreas. Insulin hormone regulates the amount of glucose in the blood—production of little or no insulin results in the build-up of sugar in your bloodstream. People of different ages may develop this condition. However, children and adolescents are at a higher risk.
Pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes
Pre-diabetes develops when your blood sugar level is high but not so high to be categorized as type 2 diabetes. Pre-diabetes can, however, lead to type 2 diabetes, where your pancreas does not produce insulin.
Gestational diabetes
This type of diabetes occurs during pregnancy. Hormones produced by the placenta may make your cells unresponsive to insulin. A lot of glucose accumulates in your blood, increasing your blood sugar level.
General signs and symptoms for diabetes
- Chronic wounds
- Fatigue
- Unintended weight loss
- Urinating frequently
- Re-occurring infections such as skin, vaginal, and gum infections
What increases your chances for diabetes?
- Obesity. A lot of fat tissues make your cells resistant to insulin.
- Age. Your chances of getting diabetes increase as you get older since you engage in less physical activity, lose muscle mass, and gain a lot of weight.
- High blood pressure puts you at risk for developing type 2 diabetes.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome in women increases the chances of developing diabetes.
- Family history. You may develop diabetes if your parent or sibling lives with this condition.
Lack of treatment may lead to complications including:
Nerve damage
Excess sugar in the blood may destroy the capillary walls. Capillaries are blood vessels that nourish the nerves. When your nerves are affected, you may experience numbness, tingling, and pain radiating from the tips of your toes, spreading upwards. Lack of treatment for neuropathy may lead to erectile dysfunction for men and digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and nausea.
Cardiovascular disease
Diabetes puts you at risk of developing medical conditions such as a heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis.
Fetal macrosomia
Gestational diabetes may cause the baby’s pancreas to produce more insulin. As a result, your baby may grow large. You may require a C-section to deliver a macrosomia baby.
Kidney failure
Diabetes may cause damage to the glomeruli in your kidneys. The glomerulus is a filtering system that filters waste from your blood. When the glomerulus is damaged, you may develop end-stage kidney disease, which requires a kidney transplant or dialysis.
Blood vessels in the retina may get damaged and result in blindness. Diabetes increases your chance of developing other conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts.
Your doctor may suggest various treatment methods, including medications and dietary changes, depending on the type of diabetes you have. Schedule a session with your specialist at Nguyen Medical Group for diagnosis and treatment for diabetes.