Various Ways in Which Obesity Affects Your Body

Various Ways in Which Obesity Affects Your Body

Most obese people may shed off excess body weight for cosmetic concerns. However, obesity may significantly affect your health and increase your risk of developing other chronic ailments like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart diseases. According to Dr. Prabhdeep Singh, there are various reasons why you might find it impossible to avoid obesity, most of which are inherent exercise choices and dietary concerns. For ailments like weight loss, diabetes, and asthma, internal medicine in El Centro can be used.

What causes you to have excess body weight?

Though hormonal, behavioral, genetic, and metabolic influences significantly affect your body weight, obesity happens when you take in more calories than your body can burn. Your healthcare provider may diagnose you with obesity when your Body Mass Index (BMI) is approximately 30 or higher.

How does obesity affect your body?

Excess weight affects your body in several ways. For instance:

  • Nervous system

Excess body weight affects blood flow to your brain, significantly increasing your risk of having a stroke. Obesity may also tremendously affect your mental health, putting you at a higher risk of low self-esteem, depression, and several other issues associated with body image.

  • Respiratory system

Fat that gradually accumulates in the areas around your neck when you are obese may constrict your airways, making breathing difficult, especially at night. When you have a condition like sleep apnea, your breathing may pause several times a night, interfering with sleep quality.

  • Digestive system

Obesity increases your risk of developing GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). The condition forces your stomach acids to leak into your esophagus, irritating your stomach and esophageal linings. Additionally, you are likely to develop gallstones when you are obese. The fat that builds up around your liver when you have excess body weight may damage your liver or cause liver failure.

  • Reproductive system

Besides obesity making it difficult for you to get pregnant as a woman, it may also increase your risk of developing severe pregnancy-related complications.

  • Skeletal and muscular system

Your muscle mass and bone density are likely to deteriorate when obese, resulting in osteosarcopenic obesity. Osteosarcopenic obesity increases your chances of having physical disabilities, fractures, and insulin resistance. Additionally, exerting too much pressure on your joints may also lead to stiffness and pain in the affected joints.

  • Integumentary system

Body folds are common, especially when you are obese. Unfortunately, rashes may develop on the folds, increasing your chances of developing acanthosis nigricans. You will know you have the condition when your skin discolors and thickens in the areas where you have the creases.

Does modest weight loss indicate progress?

Yes. Any slight weight loss percentage on your total weight results in significant health benefits. For instance, a 5 percent loss will likely enhance your blood sugar, blood cholesterol, and blood pressure. Therefore, though you might still appear overweight after a modest percentage, you will lower your risk of chronic illnesses linked to obesity.

Losing weight requires commitment. Therefore, you should contact your healthcare provider and let him guide you through the journey if you are ready. Schedule an appointment with your doctor for more inquiries on weight loss.