Your Guide On What To Expect For Laser Hair Removal


If you’re thinking about opting for laser hair removal, then it is important to know what to expect. There are a number of benefits to laser hair removal, particularly for individuals who struggle with fast-growing hair, razor burn or ingrown hairs on a regular basis. In order to provide you with a helping hand when i9t comes to deciding on whether or not laser hair removal is right for you, we’ve put together a quick guide on what you can expect from the procedure.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal utilises laser-based technology which targets follicles which are about to enter the active phase in the growth cycle. This will ultimately end the follicles existence and stop it from growing in that particular area. It is important to understand that hair follicle growth cycles last approximately 4-6 weeks and all follicles in one particular area will not grow at the same time. As a result, it is likely that you will need to have a number of treatments on one area before that area is completely hair free. It is important to remember that laser hair removal will reduce the number of hairs and reduce its growth and will not necessarily wipe out the hair in that area from existence permanently.

Does Certain Hair React Better To The Treatment Than Others?

The short answer to this question is yes. While it is not scientifically proven, it is believed that light skin which grows dark hair is the best candidate for laser hair removal. While technological advancements are helping to improve the results of laser hair removal on darker skinned individuals, it is believed that the laser treatment will only work on dark hair. Blonde, grey, red, white and ‘peach fuzz’ are not ideal for this type of treatment, and while you may see a noticeable reduction, the results will not be as effective as they will be on light skin with dark hair. The lasers themselves target pigment which, in the past, has made it dangerous for darker skinned individuals to have this treatment due to the risk of burning, although more advanced technologies are reducing this risk.

If You Are On Medication, You May Not Be Able To Receive The Treatment

This is particularly important if you are on certain types of antibiotics, using topical solutions or are using birth control. There are some types of medication which can cause the skin to react badly to a laser hair removal treatment so it is important that you make your practitioner aware of this prior to having the treatment. Some medications can make the skin sensitive to heat and laser exposure, meaning the treatment could result in burns or blisters if you are not 100% honest with your practitioner.

After The Treatment

Generally, laser hair removal results in minimal downtime. The treated area of the skin can appear as if it has been sunburned, so you may want to consider using cool compresses or moisturises. In order to prevent temporary colour changes to the skin during your treatment period make sure to use sun cream to ensure that you get the best results.