10 Signs You Should Book an Appointment with an Orthodontist


Orthodontists are often confused with dentists, but these two professionals specialise in different areas. Dentists focus on the oral health of the gums, jaw, and teeth, whereas an orthodontist specialises in correcting abnormal bites, alignments, and occlusions for both aesthetic and medical reasons. Any orthodontic issues, such as underbites, gapped teeth, open bites, and any sort of jaw or tooth alignment issue should never be ignored.

If you have children, you should also examine their smile as well to make sure their teeth are coming in properly. Children should generally start visiting the orthodontist’s office at 2 years old, so they can determine whether the child will need any dental work in the near future. Establishing a regular schedule with your child will help keep track of their dental health and tooth alignment as they grow.

If you’re not sure about when you should call the orthodontist to book an appointment, here are a few signs that you may need to call orthodontists in Melbourne.

Large Gaps

If you’ve started to notice large gaps spacing out your teeth, chewing food may become difficult, as bits and pieces can get caught in between. This could potentially pose a choking risk for those who have difficulties with swallowing food. These unnecessary spaces can also make people feel self-conscious, and depending on their placement, these gaps can also affect the way some people speak.


The crowding of teeth occurs when several teeth have grown into too small of a space, so they’re close together and often twisted out of where they should be. This can often occur when the adult teeth grow in before all the baby teeth have had a chance to properly fall out. Crowded teeth can make it very difficult for people to clean the teeth properly, as many of the surfaces around the teeth are blocked by each other.

Jaw Discomfort

More often than not, we think that the only time we should call an orthodontist is when there is something wrong with our teeth. However, orthodontists are very versatile, and they are trained to handle all types of dental issues, including any problems that might arise in your jaw. If you noticed a pain, stiffness, or discomfort in your jaw that just seems unnatural, it may be time to make an appointment.

Underbite or Overbite

Speaking of your jaw, there are times when a misalignment of the jaw can cause one level of the teeth to go far beyond the other. In an underbite, the lower teeth extend beyond the upper teeth, whereas for an overbite, the upper teeth reach past the lower part of your jaw. Both of these afflictions can cause problems with eating, as the misalignment of the teeth makes it more difficult to chew and swallow properly

Your Teeth Don’t Fit Together Correctly

There are many other ways by which your teeth could be growing in improperly. If the upper and lower teeth do not meet precisely, it is called an “open bite,” which is another type of misalignment that can cause difficulty with chewing. If you’ve experienced any sort of problem in which your teeth aren’t meeting correctly, contact an orthodontist and figure out what can be done to improve your smile. After all, your smile is the most important part of every first impression you make, and you deserve to have a set of pearly whites to show off to the world.