Most of us have probably already heard of the medical wonders brought about by what most refer to as sensory deprivation tanks or as some chose to call float tanks which involves a therapy or treatment whereby nearly every external stimuli is either significantly diminished or outright removed.
This includes external stimuli such as sights, odours, sounds and touch, which has been acknowledged to naturally ease a significant number of ailments that has plagued humanity for ages.
Based on reports (direct, personal experiences) from floaters and as well as clinical trials both sanctioned and independent, sensory deprivation tank see to relieve and in some instances cure issues with insomnia, provide significant relief from chronic pain, alleviate anxiety, keep depression under control, and as some reports indicate, even assist individuals in kicking habits and addiction.
The best part about all these reports is the fact that these benefits which have been reported are possible to occur without the assistance of a medical professional, without having to go through hurdles of being subjected to a myriad of prescriptions and last but not least, at very affordable prices.
This brings about the question in most people’s minds about what is it that floating in a deprivation tank actually does to people. Well according to researchers and proponents of floatation therapy, what floating does is bring the mind to a state of deep relaxation which is only otherwise possible via meditation techniques that takes years to master.
Floatation therapy makes subjects experience what an astronaut experiences more or less due to the elimination of gravity as they float in the highly concentrated Epsom salt solution that prevents people from sinking and added to the fact that the solution is heated to skin temperature, the subjects could hardly tell the difference between which parts of their bodies are submerged and which parts are not. It is evident that floatation therapy works based on the fact that float centres are popping up like mushrooms after in major metropolises all over the planet as demand for holistic healing continues to grow.
Although sensory deprivation tank therapy or float therapy may seem new to the average Joe, the truth is, floatation tanks have been around since the 50s, an invention by one Dr John C. Lily a psychedelic genius in his own right who experimented extensively on sensory deprivation science and the mechanics behind their benefits and disadvantages.
In its infancy, the science was used by psychoanalytic researchers and as well as neuroscientists to examine or investigate the effects on elements of creativity, telekinesis and concentration using crude constructs of the sensory deprivation tanks that were in general very uncomfortable during that time.
However, the constructs of these tanks have improved tremendously and people are flocking to it like ducks to water as reports about their success in curing a variety of ailments continue to pour in to an extent that it has astonished researchers enough to raise both their eyebrows.
Isolation tanks as others refer to it as, have come about when people have become tired of inducing a cocktail of drugs into their system which often heal one aspect of their ailment and create another issue due to their related side effects that in some cases result in worse conditions.
The main concept of floatation therapy involves internal healing as the brain is provided with a break from external elements that keep the mind preoccupied constantly and allow the brain to focus on rebalancing the chemical and biological aspects of the human body.
What is most important about floatation therapy is basically the fact that it works wonderfully and there is proof that it does.