An Overview on Clenbuterol Pills


Excess fat is one of the main problems that most of the people are facing today. Most people get frustrated when they are unable to lose the fat. There are many supplements and pills that are available today in market to reduce the fat in individual. Clenbuterol is considered as a bronchodilator that is commonly used in the treatment of asthma.

Side Effects

There are many side effects that may occur due to the over usage of oral Clenbuterol pills. Some of the short term side effects can occur like

  • The chance of causing hypertension
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Chance of causing increase in the heart rate
  • Vomiting and headache
  • Excessive sweating and problems in breathing etc can occur due to the careless use of this supplement.
  • There are chances of occurring increase in the blood pressure. This increased rate of the blood pressure can lead to increase in the risk of causing many cardiac related problems.
  • Affecting the central nervous system in the body can increase the chance of causing perspiration.
  • Many psychiatric issues are seen in the users of this supplement .Hypomania is one such problem that occurs due to the mood variations that occur in the user. Also depression is another side effect that can occur after stopping the usage.
  • This can also lead to many neuro related problems by improper use of this supplement. After consuming this supplement this gets absorbed in the body and this condition remains for a long time. This problem can lead to many kidney and cardiac related issues. Severe problems in the heart can also lead to death of the person.
  • Usage of Clenbuteron in excess amount leads in the development of collagen. Increase in collagen give way to the increase in the muscle cells. The blood pumping of the heart decreases as a result of the increase in the collagen. The interaction of the collagen with the electric signals can lead to continuous pumping. This decreases the chance of causing stroke in the users.
  • Also there are risks of occurrence of severe side effects like the fractures that may cause in the bones. Occurrence of the cramps in the muscles is common when the user do no consume excess water while consuming this supplement. This can also reduce the chance of causing dehydration by some substances like the caffeine.
  • There are chances of occurring bone fragility .This is because the substance affect the mechanical and micro architectural characteristics of the bones. This can also be the reason for causing the fracture in the bones. Heart stroke and tachycardia are some of the affects that are caused due to the over usage of this medicine. This is some of the reasons that the drug is not permitted for the human beings legally and is suggested mostly for the animals.
  • Depletion of potassium content in the body is one of the serious side effects that can occur due to the over usage of this supplement.