A powerful peptide based hormone, the Somatropin is a synthetic version of the natural Human Growth Hormone. Popular for its therapeutic contribution and performance enhancing feature, it is often categorized as an anabolic compound. But this is a complete misconception as Somatropin is no more a steroid than Aspirin and blends well with almost all hormones used for performance enhancement. It is highly effective and is well-tolerated by users of both the gender. However, due to the high demand of the product it is often counterfeited and sold at high prices in the black market.
This has been used for decades by physicians for the treatment of growth related disorders in children and growth deficiency in adults. Though widely promoted for sale online care must be taken while opting for a particular brand due to the increasing number of duplicate products. The direct functioning capacity of the man-made hormone sends signal to the muscle cells adipose tissues and bones to promote the process of lipolysis and muscle growth. As far as the structural basis is concerned it is necessary to note the exact composition of HGH while purchasing the synthetic version.
Estimated market price
The price of HGH also determines whether the product purchased is a legitimate one or one that has been purchased from the underground market. Brands marketing HGH products priced under $400 for single kit is not selling pharm grade products and is often faked as genuine HGH. Original pharm grade products range somewhere $800 to $1700 per kit while some are even priced at $2,000 for its high quality. It is recommended to purchase HGH in bulk quantity due to the long cycle length that is required to be followed for such compounds. This in a way turns out to be quite cost effective than purchasing individual kits as the cycle progresses.
Due to the high price of this supplement every user must be financially prepared before deciding to take this compound for performance enhancement. It might even cost hundreds of dollars while getting engaged in a human growth cycle as the average cycle period ranges from about 4 to 6 months and can even extend up to 8 months in certain cases. This is another major reason why it should be ordered in bulk quantity as the purchaser can avail huge discount upon bulk purchase of the same.
Legal status
Labelled as an uncontrolled substance in the UK, Canada and the US it cannot be sold over the counter without the presentation of a medical prescription. However, this is one the products which is so widely promoted for sale online due to the complicated legal status. Those procuring the injectable version of this supplement without the presentation of a doctor’s prescription should be aware of the penal charges associated with the use of this substance for personal consumption. Companies that market HGH in the name of dietary supplements are illegal and should be avoided at any cost to mitigate the risk of improper dosage intake due to fake purchase.