With growing age our skin texture changes and it becomes rough, slack, more transparent, fragile and easily bruised due to thinner blood vessels. Skin aging appears as fine lines, wrinkles, hyper pigmentation, smile lines, crow’s feet on different parts of face and body. In some people skin becomes saggy and inflamed with age. Skin aging symptoms appear on hands and feet also in the form of veins and thin bony texture. Regular skin care regime can delay the aging process up to many years. Skin aging symptoms tend to appear as early as 30 years and can be delayed to 10 more years with proper skin care and healthy life style including healthy diet and workouts. Cosmetic industry is flooded with expensive skin care products which claim to delay and even stop the aging process for many years. But it all depends on the appropriate selection of the right skin care products for your skin type.
Everyone knows that skin aging process is initiated with growing age. But there are certain factors that can initiate aging process early. We live in a polluted environment in which air is full of dust, dirt and skin damaging bacteria. Our skin is directly exposed to the environment pollution. Our eating habits are not healthy. Mostly, youngsters prefer for processed and oily food that lacks skin and body essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins and healthy fats to sustain a fresh and supple skin. Low water intake can lead to skin and body dehydration which directly accelerate skin aging process with appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. High stress also affects badly our skin. Lack of sleep, poor skin care regime, prolonged illness and medication are also main factors to disturb the skin moisture balance and as a result aging signs appear early on out face and body.
Tips and Tactics to slow down aging process
There are certain tips and tactics that can slow down the aging process and helps to retain a healthy skin, mind and body for many years.
- Skin care is not all about taking care of upper layer of skin with expensive cosmetics. You are actually what you eat so eat healthy and fresh and your skin will glow like a teenager for many years of your age. First of all plenty of fresh lukewarm water is a must need to maintain the natural elasticity and freshness of your skin. Dehydrated skin is a root cause for the early aging signs on your face and body.
- Vitamin D3 is an essential element to maintain a healthy smooth skin. Usually Doctors recommend a regular intake of Vitamin D3 to avoid many body and skin problems. Omeg3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids are very good for skin. These can be taken as supplements or by eating fish and dry fruits and nuts. These fats are necessary to keep the natural moisture balance of the skin and act as a barrier to the external factors affecting skin texture.
- Sun Ultra violet rays can damage skin more than anything. So avoid sun exposure from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. and as you grow older you should half the sun exposure to your skin to keep is safe from the damage of sun rays. Sun screens with SPF more than 30, Sun glasses are a must to save your skin from harmful rays.
- A good skin cleansing and care routine can delays the aging process up to many years. It is important to cleanse your skin properly twice a day. Makeup should be removed every night before sleeping. Skin cleansing in night before sleep gives your skin extra 12 hours to rejuvenate and relax during your sleep time.
- Tropical moisturizing creams as recommended by doctor can also be used to enhance the brightness and fresh appearance of the skin. Tropical creams containing “retinoid” are very good to slow down aging process. As retinoid helps in skin natural collagen production which tends to unclog skin pores and increase blood flow and circulation to cease the aging process.
- Anti aging creams that enhance the skin regeneration process is a good choice to be applied daily before bedtime. Vitamin c containing creams are an excellent source to oxidize skin and helping it to heal naturally.
Herbal Skin Anti aging Tips
Nowadays many cosmetic surgeries and dermatological processes available to delay the skin aging process but before pursuing to these expensive procedures we can follow few simple herbal tips using ingredients easily available in home to slow down the aging process.
- Sesame Oil full body massage is very good to enhance blood circulation and exfoliate dead skin cells. Before every shower take few drops of sesame oil and massage gently all over body and wash it afterwards. It will provide a glow and supple skin texture look after few uses.
- White sugar massage during shower can also exfoliate the dead skin layer. It will make skin naturally smooth and clarifies the age spots. So, instead of eating sugar use it to massage and be safe from all diseases with fine skin.
- Coconut oil, almond oil and Avocado oil are best massage oils containing anti-oxidants and fatty acids to smooth and nourish the skin texture against aging signs. Mix few drops of the above three oils in equal proportions and massage your body every day to provide the nourishment to tired uneven skin.
- Rice powder is used from ancient times as a natural anti-aging ingredient by women in Japan to enhance the skin beauty and youthfulness. Rice powder is effective in many ways to enhance the natural texture of the skin. A combination of Egg white, Rice Powder with glycerin acts an effective anti-aging mask for all skin types. It is very good to reduce wrinkles, fine lines and saggy skin and leaves skin regenerated and tight. Take 2 table spoons of rice flour and mix with few drops of glycerin and 1 egg white. Apply on a cleansed skin and leave it till completely dry. You will notice the difference from first use. Repeat usage once a week.
Table of Contents
Author Bio:
Beth Martel is a mother of two, a medical professional and a humalitarian. She regularly blogs at HealthyRecharge.com.