Spider veins, sometimes known as superficial leg veins, result from the congregation of tiny veins below the skin. This causes red, purple, or blue discolorations. The name comes from the shape of the discolorations. While some cases can be minimal, other cases of spider veins are more prominent and noticeable. While they pose no health harm, you may feel conscious about it. Any treatments for spider veins in Morgantown only look to enhance cosmetics and not control any health problems.
Cases of spider veins mainly occur in women around the ankles, calves, and thighs. While the leading cause remains unknown, research shows that spider veins can run in the family. Some cases come about due to pregnancy, weight gain, or the use of birth control pills.
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In most cases, spider veins do not cause any symptoms apart from the blue, purple, or red discoloration on the things or legs. It may also affect the forearms, hands, or face. You will rarely experience any pain resulting from spider veins, but you may experience a burning sensation or a minor dull discomfort around the affected area.
Spider veins may be permanent or temporary, disappearing after a few months, mainly if it results from pregnancy or the use of specific medications.
A medical practitioner will diagnose spider veins by looking at them.
If you have concerns about the health effect of spider veins, you do not have to seek treatment because they pose no health risks. However, if you are worried about the impact it may have on your appearance, you can opt for a few treatment options, including:
- Exercise stockings elevation and still (ESES)- It offers a more conservative treatment option. It includes exercising regularly, wearing compression stockings, and elevating your legs while resting to prevent the problem from getting worse. It can also effectively reduce the size of existing spider veins.
- Sclerotherapy- It is an effective way of treating spider veins. It involves injecting a salt solution into the affected area, causing the affected veins to collapse. You may experience bruising or tenderness in the area, but it passes after a few days or weeks. You may need multiple treatments for sclerotherapy to have the best results. You can also experience some pain during injection.
- Laser treatment- With laser treatment, the laser light focuses pulses to the spider veins resulting in small blood clots which block off the veins. After some time, the body reabsorbs the blocked veins.
Since the primary cause of spider veins remains unknown, they are not preventable. However, you can reduce your chances of developing spider veins by maintaining a healthy weight and staying fit. If you have developing spider veins, you can stop them from spreading by avoiding crossing your legs or standing still for long durations. Wearing support stockings can also help prevent the spread of spider veins.
To summarize, spider veins come about as a result of tiny veins which congregate below the skin surface. They do not cause any pain, but they commonly appear in blue, purple, or red discolorations. Treatment options include ESES, sclerotherapy, and laser treatment. You can prevent the spread of spider veins by wearing support stockings or avoiding standing or crossing your legs for long.