Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal that occurs on the neck and the lower back. With age, the body tissues wear, and the spine’s bony opening narrows down, leading to a reduction of the space for nerves. This condition compresses the spinal cord and spinal nerve, which leads to pain, weakness, tingling, and numbness. Also, it can cause muscle weakness and pain around the spine, which can lead to impaired bladder and bowel control. If you are struggling with Roswell spinal stenosis, here is what you need to know about the condition.
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Causes of Spinal Stenosis
A decrease in bone strength is most common in the elderly, and as you age, you may experience discomfort or pain, which are the early signs of spinal stenosis. Following are the common causes of spinal stenosis.
Degenerative disc
The normal disc may lose its hydration and can cause pressure on the joint. After bulging, it compresses the spinal canal and subsequently narrows it. Afterward, it leads to nerve interference, which causes pain and numbness.
Osteoarthritis of the spine
Osteoarthritis affects the joints in your spine, which can contribute to contracted foramina or contraction of the bony opening for the spinal cord through the spine.
Osteoarthritis also weakens the spinal bones, allowing bone spurs to protrude into the spinal canal and contract it. Thus, it interferes with the spine’s proper functioning and causes the symptoms associated with spinal stenosis.
Growths can occur in your spinal cord, especially between the vertebrae and spinal cord, thereby causing spinal stenosis.
Spinal injuries
Car accidents or falls can cause fractures or trauma to the spine, damaging the tissues inside the spinal canal. Also, nearby tissues or organs can become swollen and exert pressure on the nerves around the spine resulting in pain and numbness.
Diagnosis involves your doctor conducting a physical examination and may prescribe imaging tests to establish the cause.
The tests include X-rays, MRI, or CT scans, after which proper medication is prescribed to treat the condition.
Treatment of spinal stenosis
It is advisable to limit activities that would speed up the spinal stenosis symptoms. Treatment is comprehensive, and your doctor administers treatment that will offer a long term solution to your condition.
In less severe conditions, the doctor can prescribe pain relievers or any other strong medication. However, these are short-term, and the doctor may need to recommend long-term treatment options.
The doctor may also prescribe anti-seizure drugs, which are administered to stop the recurrence of spinal stenosis. It also prevents the condition from becoming severe and unmanageable.
Due to pain, you may engage in little or no physical activities. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy to prevent the progression of the disease. You may start with supervised exercise and, with time, progress to workouts at home.
If all other treatments fail to treat the condition, your doctor can prescribe surgery as a long-term solution. It would help in correcting the affected portion of the spine to enable you resume a normal life.
By following your doctor’s advice, the condition can be effectively managed or treated. Contact the experts at Apex Spine and Neurosurgery for consultation and advice.