What Will Tattoo Removal Be Like In 20 Years


    Despite tattoos growing in popularity within the recent decade, over 26% of millennials claim that they regret at least one tattoo. Not only do individuals often regret the ink on themselves, but 70% of employers still claim that they would rather hire someone without any visible ink. These statistics directly correlate to the high demand for tattoo removal options, and the advancement of related technology. Tim Jackson of www.bodydetails.com says that he sees a growing number of clients each year looking for tattoo removal services. With the prevalence of tattoos becoming more and more prominent, it is no question that within the next 20 years, the tattoo removal business will as well.

    The Growing Market of Laser Removal

    In current times, laser removal is the number one form of tattoo removal across the nation. During a laser removal session, the inked area is treated with several lasers that submit pulses of concentrated light onto the tattooed area. This process ends up breaking up the tattoo into small ink blots which can be successfully removed by your body’s own immune system. Unfortunately, while laser removal is quite successful, it can also promote negative side effects like skin damage and painful reactions. However, with steadily advancing technology, there is a considerable amount of hope that the process will become more comfortable and healthy. One big advancement that was recently branched off of the laser removal process is called Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL). IPL uses high-intensity based lights as opposed to lasers. The high-intensity lights are emitted from a wand after a special gel is applied to the area of concern. The IPL method is still not as common as traditional laser removal, but it is still highly effective, and a bit more tolerable.

    The Future of Tattoo Removal Creams

    The 21st century hasn’t necessarily proven to be successful when it comes to promoting a tattoo removal cream that provides great results. The Tattoo Removal Institute claims that some of these creams do work to an extent, and should not be immediately withdrawn from consideration. Tattoo removal creams are composed of a bleach-like substance that lightens the tattoo to the point where it looks exceptionally faded. This method does not remove the tattoo completely by any means, but it does make them much less apparent. The harsh chemicals in these creams are typically what draw consumers away from them, but that isn’t to say that they will not be more safe and effective within the next 20 years. Future developments in chemical compounds that are less harsh, but just as potent, could provide inked customers with a less risky way to successfully remove their tattoos at home.

    How Far the Tattoo Removal Industry Has Already Come

    It may seem like options on the current tattoo removal market are a bit narrow, but society has certainly come a long way in how they go about it in present-times. A great example was something called Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) treatments which removed several layers of skin, including the core layer where the tattoo was set. This method, of course, was quite painful and lead to permanent scarring and other unwanted forms of skin damage. Another traditional, yet invasive method of tattoo removal was known as salabrasion. Salabrasion is still used in some rare cases, but it’s technique is quite painful as well. Salabrasion is a form of dermabrasion, where the inked area is rubbed with salt in order to create a large amount of friction. It is the client’s hope that the friction will result in a tattoo that is almost completely faded, but the results have drastically varied from person to person. Believe it or not, cryotherapy (also known as cryosurgery), was also used at one point in the tattoo removal process. Most professional physicians refuse to use this method now due to the amount of scarring and discoloration it tends to result in. Cryotherapy uses freezing substances such as liquid nitrogen in order to freeze off any blemishes on the skin. In this case, the tattooed area would be considered the blemish that needs freezing off. Other surgery forms such as tattoo excision were often used, which included cutting the impacted area, then stitching it back together. The recovery processes for both of these methods were of course much more extensive. It is quite evident in how far we’ve come in terms of tattoo removal options, and the future for related