Emergency Treatment for Broken Tooth


When you are biting fruit or nuts, you may experience a sudden severe pain that disappears very quickly, and maybe that is why you forget it. After this, you avoid eating certain foods for a while or chewing with only one side of your mouth. Have you experienced it? If you have had such an experience, one of your teeth may have been cracked or broken.

Why is Your Tooth Broken?

There are different reasons for the broken tooth, including:

-Chewing on hard objects or foods like nuts, ice, or candy.

-Trauma, injury, or a blow to your face

-Inappropriate distribution of chewing pressure on the teeth due to maxillofacial disorders

-Pressure and impact on teeth

-Exposure of the tooth enamel with excessively high or low temperatures (eating hot foods or drinking cold water)

-Teeth weakness after some dental procedures, such as root canals

If your tooth is broken due to any reason, you have to visit your emergency dentist as soon as you can.

Is There Any Pain?

Pressure applied to the teeth when chewing will open the edges of the crack. When you open your mouth and stop chewing or biting, the pressure that causes the edges of the cracks to open will disappear, and the two sides of the cracks will collide with each other, and this will cause severe pain. Even in cases where the tooth cracks are very small and microscopic, opening the cracks may lead to tooth pulp irritation. The pulp contains the nerves and blood vessels of the tooth. If the pulp is damaged, the tooth may be susceptible to pain. This pain is more severe when exposed to heat or cold. The emergency dentist may perform root canal therapy to treat the pulp.

What to Say to the Emergency Dentist?

It is challenging and sometimes even impossible for you to tell the emergency dentist exactly which tooth hurts you. Sometimes it is not even possible to determine the origin of the pain in the upper or lower teeth. These cracks are usually a very fine, thin-haired line that is perpendicular to the length of the tooth. Sometimes they are so delicate that the ordinary eye cannot see them, and even x-rays cannot detect them. However, you can help the emergency dentist. It is better to tell him which tooth is going to hurt. Be sure to tell the emergency dentist about which area of ​​your teeth will be affected by heat, cold, or the consumption of sweet, salty, or sticky foods.

Emergency Dentist

Emergency Dental Treatment

The treatment varies greatly depending on the location and size of the cracks and can range from very simple restorations to root canal treatment. If the tooth is severely cracked, it should be extracted in the emergency dental office. Only the emergency dentist knows which treatment is suitable for you. So please leave it to him. You should visit the emergency dentist at regular intervals to have your teeth examined.

These regular check-ups will allow the emergency dentist to diagnose any dental problem quickly and treats it in the shortest possible time. Whenever you feel pain in one of your teeth, try not to chew on that side of the mouth and refer to the emergency dental clinic as soon as possible.

The content of this article was provided by our verified writer at Clove dental and should not be considered as medical advice.