Everything That You Need To Know About E111


The E111 is a European medical form that has now been replaced by EHIC or the European Health Insurance Card. Whether you are jetting off to St Tropez for a relaxing vacation or travelling for business to Stockholm, always ensure that you have your EHIC.

What is E111 Exactly?

The EU health card is generally referred to as E111 but its official name is European Health Insurance Card. EHIC is basically a card that gives the citizens of Switzerland and the EEA or European Economic Area reduced or free-of-cost medical care while they are on their trip to any of the participating nations. The card covers individuals for all kinds of medical treatment that they might require if they sustain injuries or fall sick. The card also covers long-term treatment or certain chronic conditions like oxygen therapy and kidney dialysis. However, arrangements for treatment of such conditions need to be made prior to departing by way of the NHS.

What’s Covered and What’s Not Covered by EHIC?

The European Health Insurance Card is generally valid for a time span of three to five years covering all kinds of medical treatment that might be necessary for an individual during his or her trip to the participating countries. This card offers convenient access to all state-provided healthcare treatments. The ones possessing this card get the same treatment that is offered to the citizens of the participating countries.

However, it is important to note that your EHIC might not cover almost all the important things that are expected to be free of charge from the NHS. You might have to pay a certain fee for treatment. It is also worth noting that your EHIC might not give you any kind of coverage if your sole motive of travel is medical treatment. For this, you will have to take out all-inclusive travel insurance. EHIC covers individuals for regular maternity care while they are away. Nevertheless, if you are visiting Switzerland or an EEA nation specifically for delivering a baby then it is important for you to fill up an E112 form.

How to Get One?

If you are a citizen of the United Kingdom then you can easily apply for your EHIC by way of the NHS. You can do this either through a telephonic conversation; by posting the E111 form at your local post office or online. When you are applying for your health insurance card, you will be asked for information like your full name, national insurance number, date of birth, contact number and address. The card is free of cost and therefore you need to ensure that you do not provide any kind of payment to websites or sources that come with claims of supplying the card. It is also important for you to note that when you are travelling to a European country with your entire family, each and every member of your family need this card and this even goes for children who are very young.

It generally takes a time span of seven days for your card to reach your post submitting an application for the same. However, if you are applying for the card on phone then it would take 10 days and 21 days in case the application is made through a post office.