Stroke: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Stroke Treatment

A stroke usually occurs when the brain is deprived of oxygen, which can happen due to ischemia, hemorrhage, or a transient ischemic attack. If not diagnosed early, it can cause the death of brain cells and ultimately cause the patient’s death or the patient being in a vegetative state of brain death.

Stroke in New York is increasing at a tremendous rate. Let us take a look at stroke’s causes and treatment in detail below.

What Are The Symptoms?

The brain is responsible for controlling the entire body, and damage to the brain can cause severe abnormalities in the entire body, from a mild headache to paralysis.

Generally, the symptoms include:

  1. Numbness
  2. Paralysis
  3. Difficulty in speaking or making sentences or comprehending somebody else’s speech. Mumbling of speech can occur.
  4. The blurring of vision.
  5. Difficulty in walking or maintaining balance and coordination.
  6. Air Headed or dizzy

Causes of Stroke:

The cause of a stroke depends upon the type of stroke. Stroke can be classified into three types:

Ischemic stroke:

This type of stroke is caused due to a block in an artery carrying blood to the brain, which gets blocked due to a clot or atherosclerosis. These situations, if not treated well before time, can cause the permanent death of brain cells.

Transient ischemic attack (mini-stroke):

This is the same as ischemic stroke, but here the block in the vessel moves in a couple of minutes, and blood flow to the brain is restored.

Hemorrhagic stroke:

This type of stroke is caused due to tear or leak of a blood vessel. Blood leaks around the brain tissue and increases the intracranial pressure, and damages brain cells.

Available Treatments For Stroke:

Different types of strokes have different types of treatment. Let’s take a look below.

Ischemic stroke

  1. Take medications that dissolve the clot and prevent upcoming clots from forming.
  2. Patients are also advised to use aspirin which is a blood thinner or tissue plasminogen activator injection. In case of an emergency, TPA is directly administered into the clotted artery, or in such situations, a catheter is used to remove the clot mechanically.
  3. Surgical procedures are also used, which have higher risks and are invasive but show promising results. These include angioplasty, in which the surgeon inflates a tiny balloon in the narrowed vessel with the help of a catheter, and later a stent is implanted to keep the vessel distended. Another surgical procedure used in such cases is carotid endarterectomy, in which the carotid artery is exposed and the plaque is surgically removed.

Hemorrhagic stroke

  1. Generally, medicines that reduce the intracranial pressure and save the patient from a possible change of a seizure are used.
  2. Surgically the doctors repair the leaking vessel.
  3. An aneurysm can burst in a vessel, causing hemorrhagic shock. In this case, a clamp is placed at the bottom of the aneurysm, this ceases the blood supply, and the aneurysm can be shrunk.